my sweet (LeLo) friend

here comes my second post for today... to see my first one (a vintage card for a first day at school) please scroll down :)
hier kommt mein zweites Posting für heute.. um das erste (eine Vintage Karte zum Schulanfang) zu sehen, bitte runterscrollen :)
For this card I stamped the kitty with his little snail friend twice: Once directly onto the card and a second time onto watercolor paper. I colored the second print with Tombows and watercolor pencils, then cut it out and put it on the card using foam tape.
Für diese Karte habe ich das Kätzchen mit seinem Schneckenfreund zweimal gestempelt: Einmal direkt auf die Karte und ein zweites Mal auf Aquarellpapier. Den zweiten Abdruck habe ich mit Tombows und Aquarellstiften koloriert, konturengenau ausgeschnitten und mit 3D Pads auf die Karte gesetzt.

And as I told you some times before in my recent posts, there's a challenge going on at Moxie Fab World regarding different card styles. So I think this one fits for the 'Fun and Cute' style.
You can read all about it HERE

~°~ Thanks for visiting my blog ~°~

card recipe:
  • stampskitty with snail by LeLo Design, text 'My sweet Friend' by Whiff of Joy
  • color mediums - Tombow Dual Brush pens, watercolor pencils
  • design papers and elements - Color Me Happy by Jennifer Labre Designs, Doilie Shapes Set 1 by The Cutting Files
  • other supplies -  cream cardstock from stash, Adirondack inks in Butterscotch, pop dots from stash


  1. Hallo Syliva das ist eine wunderschöne Karte,
    das Motiv ist so süß,
    wunderschöne Farben hast du verwendet, ich bin hin und weg :-)!
    Liebe Grüße

  2. Hi Sylvia,
    Wow! Wonderful and cute card. Beautiful coloring combination. Your coloring skill is beyond perfect. I love your Gorgeous work.

  3. Such a cute card, Sylvia! I love the colors!
    Thanks so much for joining us this week at Stamptacular Sunday! ♥ Good luck on our Out of this World challenge!
    Dee (Spryte)
    Sprytebyrds Spot

  4. A cat holding a turtle is definitely something that doesn't happen in our world as we know it!

    Such a cute card! Thanks for playing along with us this week at Stamptacular! Hope you'll join us again real soon for some more challenge fun!


  5. This is such a cute card, and I do love the colours you used! Never seen a cat holding a turtle in my garden so this must be OUT OF THIS WORLD! Thanks for joining us at SCC this week, hugs Gemma

  6. wunderschön geworden, die Farben sind Klasse.......

  7. Now you're gonna tell me that cool doily is actually a part of printed paper.
    You are so cool, Sylvia. I need lessons from you, bad!!
    Big hugs

  8. liebe sylvia deine karte ist toal lieb geworden, so toll coloriert.
    xoxo BA

  9. Was für eine Karte... "Fantastisch"!!

    GLG Doris

  10. Hi Sylvia! What a lovely card! Thanks for joining out "Out of this World" challenge at SSC.

  11. Wow, a cat in overalls. How out of the world is that. Love the image and your coloring is beautiful. Thanks for sharing it with us at SSC.
    Hugs xx

  12. This is such a sweet card Sylvia!! Beautiful coloring and design!!

  13. What a sweetie, i love this image and you have coloured to perfection, you have a great eye for colours honey, hope you get your blog sorted soon, big hugs Pops x

  14. How sweet! Love your coloring!

  15. Hey Sylvia! Thanks for entering the Let's Do Fun & Cute Card Style Week challenge in the Moxie Fab World! I'm so glad you joined in on all the fun! :)

  16. Fabelhafte Karte, Sylvia! Das Motiv ist so goldig and die Farben ganz toll.

  17. oooohhhhhh so so cute Sylvia and I love the hot colours
    Mina xxx


Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment! I hope to see you again, soon :)
Sylvia xx