Step-by-Step Instructions on How to Create an Ombré Bowl with StazOn

Hi everyone and happy Thursday :)

Long time, no see! But I am actually enjoying three weeks off work *hooray*
And -hopefully- this means some extra time to get crafty! *woohoo* Can't wait to get my fingers inky and get some blog posts written ;-)

Today, I am sharing something unusual - well at least it is not usual for me *lol*
The AIR's (AIR = Artist In Redsidence) from Imagine Crafts/Tsukineko have been challenged to create an upcycle project!

I usually am a card maker... a clean and simple card maker... well and this challenge really *was* a personal challenge for me :-)

But in the end I did not only one project, but two different ones and I had a lot of fun with these :-)

I've made my very own ombre bowl by just using a boring, plain white bowl plus StazOn, GlazOn and Ink Blusher tools. And *tadah*.... you have a totally new and lovely decoration piece!

Please scroll down to find my tutorial, because this is a double post and you will also find a cool upcycle project idea + instructions from Isha Gupta in the same post... one more reason to hop over! :) 

But I wanted to go a little further and also used some baby food jars to create some "lanterns" to use with the bowl.

These were not only fun but also super easy to create!!!

If you want to know how I did it, please visit the Imagine Crafts Blog and you will find detailed step-by-step instructions with lots of pictures!

Please refer to the grey box below this post for a complete list of supplies :)

Thanks so much for stopping by today and I hope to see you here on my blog again, soon :)

Sylvia xx




  1. Heya! Nice to see you back. :) I love the transformation of this bowl. I had a peek at how this was made and I couldn't believe my eyes.Such a clever idea!!! And it really is simple too. Definitely something I want to try. Awesome!!
    Enjoy your time off!
    Hugs! xx

  2. This is absolutely awesome!


Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment! I hope to see you again, soon :)
Sylvia xx